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Auction of Antiques, Collectables & Furnishings
Venue address
The Algernon Road Auction Rooms
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Tyne And Wear
United Kingdom
Auction of Antiques, Collectables & Furnishings

Auction dates
Feb 04, 2025 10:00 AM GMT
Lots: 1 onwards
Viewing dates
Feb 03, 2025 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM GMT
Feb 04, 2025 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM GMT
Auction currency
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We found 261 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sale Section
Sorted by
A Robert 'Mouseman' Thompson of Kilburn oak cheese board, with carved mouse signature, length 37 cm.
100 GBP
An Indian carpet of Persian design,
100 GBP
An Indian carpet of Persian design,
200 GBP
A Turkoman Bokhara rug, Afghanistan,
30 GBP
A Balouch prayer rug, Afghanistan,
18 GBP
A Nain rug, Central Iran,
16 GBP
An antique painted hall mirror, 33 cm x 93 cm.
45 GBP
Van Hove : Figure by a dressing table, monochrome print, 69 cm x 99 cm.
12 GBP
A contemporary pine mirror, 76 cm x 184 cm.
12 GBP
An Eccles Protector type 6 miners safety lamp.
52 GBP
Metal wares including pair of reproduction ships lamps, brass wares, silver plated items, etc.
30 GBP
A brass lamp base, pedestal dishes, candlesticks, bellows, etc.
10 GBP
A large quantity of Scandinavian ceramics including vases, lamp bases, tea china, stonewares, etc.
35 GBP
A group of 20th century Scandinavian light fittings.
35 GBP
Five vintage painted pine bottle crates, width 48 cm.
16 GBP
Four vintage painted pine bottle crates, width 48 cm.
14 GBP
Five vintage painted pine bottle crates, width 48 cm.
20 GBP
Five vintage painted pine bottle crates, width 48 cm.
25 GBP
Three metal and pine bar stools, height 77 cm.
11 GBP
A vintage military rain cover.
10 GBP
Two painted metal tractor style seats.
30 GBP
A vintage enameled metal storage trunk, width 77 cm.
A vintage plywood and metal bound storage chest, width 66 cm.
An early 20th century glazed mahogany jeweller's counter top display cabinet, width 74 cm.
40 GBP
Two vintage Danish trunks, largest 70 cm wide.
10 GBP
A Victorian brass long handled pan and three further graduated examples.
20 GBP
A 19th century brass toilet door lock plate, length 35 cm.
35 GBP
A pair of 20th century oriental earthenware lamp bases, height 53 cm.
Two Chinese cloissone lamp bases, tallest 54 cm including fitting.
35 GBP
Three 20th century Japanese earthenware lamp bases, tallest 54 cm including fitting.
35 GBP
Two pipe racks and various pipes.
30 GBP
An Afghan geometric rug,
25 GBP
A Turkish geometric rug,
25 GBP
A Caucasian rug,
30 GBP
A Turkish hearth rug,
10 GBP
A Turkoman rug, Afghanistan,
10 GBP
A Turkoman rug, Afghanistan,
10 GBP
A Turkman rug Afghanistan,
14 GBP
A Balouch prayer rug, Afghanistan,
A Kirman pictorial rug, South East Iran,
20 GBP
A Lahore Bokhara rug, Pakistan,
A Turkoman rug, Afghanistan,
10 GBP
An Iranian rug,
Lot 310
10 GBP
A Turkoman rug, Afghanistan,
18 GBP
A vast quantity of 20th century loose stamps (one pallet)
30 GBP
A painted shaped top coffee table on pad feet, length 130 cm,
10 GBP
Four modern angle poised lamps
30 GBP
A pair of large contemporary pottery lamp bases,
45 GBP
A brass shoe rack,
45 GBP
Assorted animal figurines, small pair of Tiffany style lamps, transfer printed wash jug and basin,
30 GBP
A Luri long rug, West Iran,
A 20th century Chesterfield buttoned tan leather wingback armchair, and two similar footstools.
100 GBP
Two 20th century oak veneered open bookcases with adjustable shelves, 90 cm x 28 cm x 200 cm.
30 GBP
A 20th century teak open bookcase, 89 cm x 30 cm x 181 cm.
A pair of chrome and black vinyl rise and fall bar chairs, and a further cream chair.
16 GBP
A stainless steel commercial kitchen trolley, fitted two drawers, width 86 cm,
25 GBP
A pair of Danish Erik Jorgensen designed 'Partner' chrome-framed executive swivel armchairs,
40 GBP
A shaggy pile rug on orange ground, 275 cm x 184 cm.
70 GBP
A group of Scandinavian standard lamps in teak, wrought iron, etc.
A Lahore Bohkara rug, Pakistan, 163 cm x 96 cm.
16 GBP