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Auction of Antiques, Collectables & Furnishings
Venue address
The Algernon Road Auction Rooms
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Tyne And Wear
United Kingdom
Auction of Antiques, Collectables & Furnishings

Auction dates
Feb 04, 2025 10:00 AM GMT
Lots: 1 onwards
Viewing dates
Feb 03, 2025 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM GMT
Feb 04, 2025 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM GMT
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We found 47 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sale Section
Sorted by
A set of six Georgian silver teaspoons, London marks. CONDITION REPORT: 95.7g gross.
50 GBP
A silver-mounted crystal swan dish, length 13cm.
50 GBP
Three boxed sets of six silver-handled knives and a further set of twelve.
A silver-mounted atomiser and similar bottle with stopper, tallest 11.5cm.
60 GBP
Charlotte Yele : Fabric Fragment II, 52 cm x 72 cm.
30 GBP
A silver mounted dressing table hand mirror and brush, Birmingham marks, longest 27.5 cm.
35 GBP
A silver-plated crucifix, circa 1900,
40 GBP
Three Nao figures, No. 231, 233 and 397, all boxed.
20 GBP
Three Nao figures, No. 402, 1042 and 1089, all boxed.
20 GBP
Two Nao figures, No. 1054 and 4678, both boxed.
20 GBP
Five Nao figures and groups including clown, etc, tallest 32 cm.
30 GBP
A quantity of crystal, wine glasses and whisky tumblers, grapefruit dishes, etc.
25 GBP
A group of treen, Melba ware tea china, carved horn, glass vases, etc.
Several cases of cutlery, miniature hip flask, set of drinking tots, corkscrew, etc.
27 GBP
Two painted cast iron railway plaques, width 28 cm.
25 GBP
An Agfamatic 50 camera, further Ilford camera, treen bowl, Swedish glass paperweight,
30 GBP
Brass and pewter candlesticks, other metal wares, oil lamp, set of enameled teaspoons, etc.
10 GBP
A group of Scandinavian studio pottery dishes, bowls, tile, etc.
18 GBP
Ceramics including porcelain teapot, Japanese export porcelain tea china trio, Denby bowl,
12 GBP
Ceramics including a miniature Chinese tea set, figurines, pair of Royal Winton silvered vases, etc.
10 GBP
A group of Royal Copenhagen ceramics, decanter in the form of an Esso tin, etc.
10 GBP
Scandinavian glass wares including Rosendhal glass tea light holders, bowls, vase,
12 GBP
Several boxed sets of cutlery, napkin rings, cruet set, etc.
30 GBP
EPNS tea wares, vintage Hotpoint toaster, cruet set, embroidery items etc.
30 GBP
A group of porcelain jugs including Elizabethan, Royal Doulton, Royal Albert, etc.
10 GBP
EPNS wares, brass door furniture, candlesticks, vases, etc.
30 GBP
Assorted 20th century glasswares including vases, decanters, drinking glasses, etc.
10 GBP
Metalwares including pair of table lamps, brass door furniture, Alfa Romeo car badges, cruet stand,
25 GBP
Assorted 20th century glass wares, blue and white table wares, small quantity of vinyl 78s.
12 GBP
A group of antique jet items (af), silver plated cake forks,
14 GBP
20th century glass wares including pendant light fitting, drinking glasses, decanters,
10 GBP
Four canteens of EPNS cutlery.
25 GBP
A group of stainless steel and other serving platters, further tablewares, oriental lacquered tray,
10 GBP
A quantity of Scandinavian ceramics including Royal Copenhagen Fajance tea wares, storage jars,
20 GBP
A group of treen, reproduction religious icon, serving platters, etc.
10 GBP
A modern jewellery box, lady's wristwatches, cutlery canteen, further boxed cutlery, EPNS vase,
40 GBP
Four various hip flasks.
20 GBP
Two ceramic figures of seated tramps.
A group of Wade tortoises and Beswick dogs.
25 GBP
Fifty four pieces of Wedgwood Hathaway Rose tea and dinner china.
45 GBP
A group of ceramic and glass vases, two Russian dolls, wooden swan ornament, etc.
25 GBP
A group of Coalport collector's plates, Ringtons vase and teddy bear teapot, stone ware mugs,
12 GBP
A quantity of drinking glasses, pressed glass bowls,
A group of resin and porcelain animal figures
20 GBP
A Victorian walnut and brass coal receiver, length 50 cm.
40 GBP
A Victorian brass fender, a further bowl and several horse brasses.
30 GBP
A 19th century Dutch brass coal bucket with twin mask handles,
35 GBP