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A Single Owner Sale of Interesting Collectables, Silver, Jewellery and Decorative Items
Venue address
The Algernon Road Auction Rooms
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Tyne And Wear
United Kingdom
A Single Owner Sale of Interesting Collectables, Silver, Jewellery and Decorative Items

Auction dates
Dec 03, 2024 02:00 PM GMT
Lots: 1 onwards
Viewing dates
By appointment only
Auction currency
Accepted cards
There are 256 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sale Section
Sorted by
A group of five silver plated candle stands,
18 GBP
A group of good quality cut crystal including lidded bowls, small decanter,
32 GBP
A group of decorative silver plated wares including dishes, bon bon dishes,
A group of silver plated wares to include dish and cover, sugar scuttle, bottle opener,
25 GBP
A group of cut crystal to include tall vase, fruit bowls,
20 GBP
A group of silver plated wares to include claret jug, gallery tray, decanter labels,
25 GBP
An impressive hand made vintage waist coat constructed entirely out of fresh water pearls,
A group of crystal and glass including comport, measuring cup in case, tankard with boat decoration,
32 GBP
A continental ceramic plaque with dragon decoration,
18 GBP
A group and crystal and glass to include tall decanter,
16 GBP
An unusual leather work portrait of a woman
25 GBP
An African hardwood panel,
35 GBP
Five cut crystal and glass decanters including a silver mounted decanter,
70 GBP
A group of decorative objects including wooden bowl, metal ornament, lacquered pot,
18 GBP
A group of decorative objects including a clock, two compacts, lighter, a Lladro bell,
35 GBP
A large African carved wooden mask,