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Weekly Auction of Antiques, Collectables & Furnishings
Venue address
The Algernon Road Auction Rooms
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Tyne And Wear
United Kingdom
Weekly Auction of Antiques, Collectables & Furnishings

Auction dates
Sep 10, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Lots: 1 onwards
Viewing dates
Sep 09, 2024 09:15 AM - 05:00 PM BST
Sep 10, 2024 09:15 AM - 10:00 AM BST
Auction currency
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There are 660 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sale Section
Sorted by
On instruction of High Court Enforcement - A Volkswagen Sharan TDI SE 115 five door motorcar, 1.
320 GBP
An Elizabeth II Lindisfarne silver salver, Reid & Sons, London 1966, diameter 25cm.
260 GBP
An Elizabeth II silver waiter, Reid & Sons, London 2002, diameter 17.5cm.
140 GBP
Seven various George III and later table spoons and three silver teaspoons, one enamelled.
250 GBP
A cased set of six Edwardian silver teaspoons, Birmingham 1909.
20 GBP
A George V silver and blue guilloche enamel dressing table hand mirror,
100 GBP
A fine diamond solitaire ring, the brilliant-cut stone approximately 2.4ct, size N/O, 3.8g.
5,700 GBP
An Art Deco style bronze and onyx figure of a female, height 36.5cm.
200 GBP
A German bronze figure of The Venus de Milo, circa 1900, signed G Blumhoff, height 13.5cm.
80 GBP
Six silver table forks, Barker Brothers, Chester 1922. CONDITION REPORT: 386.
180 GBP
Three silver dessert forks, John Round & Son, Sheffield 1894. CONDITION REPORT: 165.
65 GBP
A pair of Edwardian silver candlesticks, Saunders and Shepherd, Birmingham 1908, height 20cm.
65 GBP
A silver sauce boat, Birmingham 1936, together with four silver forks and a silver coaster.
180 GBP
An antique miner's lamp.
20 GBP
A Moorcroft jug, decorated with pomegranates and birds, height 14 cm.
90 GBP
A Moorcroft amaryllis limited edition vase, No. 38 of 200, height 25 cm.
85 GBP
An unusual antique slag glass figure modelled as a lion, height 14 cm.
55 GBP
A resin sculpture after Rodin, height 12 cm.
16 GBP
A Beswick figure of a King Charles Spaniel, height 13cm.
10 GBP
A 9ct yellow gold synthetic stone cluster ring, size O/P. CONDITION REPORT: 3.
55 GBP
A Victorian style brass inkwell, together with cased spoon and fork, pair of tailor's shears,
25 GBP
A silver-mounted letter knife, together with vintage evening bag and beaded purse.
10 GBP
A Parker Victory fountain pen with 14ct gold nib,
40 GBP
A carved malachite elephant and bangle, together with Siam silver and enamel brooch,
20 GBP
A turned wooden truncheon.
10 GBP
A First World War tin helmet.
25 GBP
A pair of Art Nouveau blue and green iridescent glass vases with brass mounts, height 19.5cm.
55 GBP
Two 19th century Chinese bronze opium weights modelled as peacocks, tallest 13.
David Dippie Dixon : Upper Coquetdale, Northumberland; Its Traditions, Folk-Lore and Scenery,
50 GBP
An interesting collection of twenty-nine mostly German portrait photographs, each approximately 10.
A James I shilling
40 GBP
An Elizabeth I hammered silver sixpence 156? (date rubbed)
18 GBP
An Elizabeth I hammered silver sixpence 1590
25 GBP
A James I hammered silver sixpence 1605
50 GBP
An Edward I (1272-1307) long cross penny,
30 GBP
Two antique pipes, one in birch wood and stamped Ropp, Made in France,
14 GBP
Two antique cut throat razors, one marked Christel,
A tin containing boxed Parker pen, pair of antique spectacles in case, milliamp meter,
20 GBP
Two Pearl ware figures of St Luke, circa 1800,
40 GBP
A Kodak 1998 Olympic Winter Games set of enamelled lapel pins,
20 GBP
An original 1989 Nintendo Game Boy console model reference DMG-01,
60 GBP
A Smith
25 GBP
Two Winross die cast metal haulage wagons, Kodak and Eastman Kodak Company, both boxed.
12 GBP
Eleven pieces of mid-20th century Royal Doulton Bunnykins china, Denby and Hornsea mugs,
12 GBP
Miscelaneous items to include a Velos Solo Bakelite pencil sharpener, a case of set butter knives,
14 GBP
A group of mid-20th century and modern die-cast cars including Vanguards, Lledo, Dinky,
10 GBP
An interesting collection of antique and later English and continental coins,
110 GBP
A four piece Chinese pottery tea service with pewter overlay.
30 GBP
Six engraved white metal cup holders, probably Persian.
55 GBP
Thermotor : Four Pedestrian Control Units : Toucan Nearside Repeater, Puffin Nearside Indicator,
50 GBP
Five 1930's coffee cans, retailed by Waring & Gillow.
30 GBP
An early 20th century portrait of a child, in pencil and crayon,
25 GBP
A group of motor show journals, together with racing club medals, sporting medallions,
150 GBP
A large quantity of coin sets, to include: Complete decimal issue of Great Britain 1967,
320 GBP
Sixteen various perfumes by Dior, Fashion Parade, Lacoste, Chanel, Paul Smith, Clinique,
40 GBP
A vintage lady's 9ct gold wristwatch and three further watches, including Keltin, Orvis, etc.
45 GBP
A loaded silver bud vase, height 15 cm, together with a salt with blue glass liner,
50 GBP
A collection of jewellery, to include, three 9ct gold rings, Scottish silver brooches,
110 GBP
A leather mounted travelling ink well, silver pillbox made from a 1941 half crown, silver stamp box,
100 GBP
A zigzag corkscrew, a further lacquered brass corkscrew depicting a monkey,
14 GBP